To live intentionally is to makeĀ choices.
There are many times throughout our day we have options. Somethings we do automatically out of habit. Wake up, make coffee, drink coffee. Other times we have to choose. Should I make nachos or grilled chicken for dinner? Other choices just happen. That hour of quiet after my son is in bed? Whoops, I sat down for five minutes and got distracted with my Instagram feed… the hour is gone. All day, every day we make choices, or don’t make choices, that affect the direction and quality of our lives. Whether it’s choosing what we do, what risks we take, how we react, or who we interact with.
Some choices work well. Some choices worked well in the past but aren’t the right choices now. Other choices are ones that are made out of habit rather than intention and no longer serve us well. Others aren’t really made at all but happen out of neglect.
Making intentional choices is directing your life. Every year I select a word to focus on for the year (past words include creative, inspiration, change) and at this point I’m sure that it’s no surprise that I chose CHOICE for 2021. I spent quite a bit of time during that quiet lull between Christmas and New Year’s evaluating my life and my choices, or in many instances the lack of making a choice. 2020 was, as they say, unprecedented. The stress and unknowns meant life went into survival mode. However, I fell into some bad habits and badly neglected my creativity and particularly my photography. I did not want these to direct my life in 2021. I wanted more. More joy. More creativity. More passion.
In making more intentional choices, I hope to regain passion and joy in my life. That said, in order not to be constantly making decisions and going into decision overload it’s best if some choices should be made ahead of time. I know for myself, this is especially important for me and my ADD brain. As a result, I’ve made a number of small changes to my routine. This includes my morning routine which now starts earlier (not crazy early but 15 minutes or so) so I’m not on mommy duty as soon as I wake, adds some water before my daily dose of caffeine, a little window of time just for me. And that hour after my son is in bed? It is NOT for scrolling through my phone. Going for a walk, reading a book, editing my photography, writing. And the time in between? Don’t just coast. Go beyond survival. Take the risk. Make the choice. LIVE.