I adopt this Code of Ethics and strive to adhere to these important principles. I am an ambassador of ethical conduct in the photography industry through my own behaviour and by sharing these principles with other photographers and the public.
- I follow the Leave No Trace principals while photographing, exploring and camping.
- I inform myself about all rules and regulations relating to photography when visiting a natural area or public attraction.
- I do not knowingly step onto private property without permission even if the property appears abandoned.
- I aim for authenticity by photographing plants and animals in their natural habitat engaging in their normal behaviours. I inform myself about the plants and animals and avoid photographing them if they exhibit distress signals, and during times of physical strain or breeding seasons. I do not feed or otherwise attract any animals in the wilderness or urban environments. I do not identify specific locations to protect the animals and/or plants.
- I avoid stopping to photograph if it is unsafe or likely to result in other visitors crowding the area. I will not exit the vehicle unless it is safe for myself, other people, the environment, the vegetation and animals.
- I know and respect my physical limitations and keep myself out of harm’s way by avoiding situations where my health and safety or the health and safety of others
could be put at risk by my actions. I educate and prepare myself about the weather, terrain, culture and potential hazards before visiting an area. - I treat all people with respect. I am aware of my position and how it may interfere with the ability of the photographers and non-photographers around me to enjoy a scene. I am patient and courteous with non-photographers visiting a scene. I am creative and can adjust my expectations of the images I planned to make. I am open to new ideas as they present themselves to me.
- I ask permission before photographing an identifiable person and will treat models with courtesy, repaying professionals with prints or fees for their work.
- If I see someone violating the law or Leave No Trace principals, I will consider talking with them about the possible effects of their behaviour if I do not perceive any threat to my personal safety. As an alternative, and if their behaviour is particularly egregious, I will consider documenting the situation and reporting them to the appropriate authorities.
- I am always forthcoming about my post-processing and refrain from representing my photographs as something they are not.